A podcast aimed at proving the power of connection






Episode 28 | Slamming Lines to Tower Lines

Episode 28 | Slamming Lines to Tower Lines

Rebuilding relationships in recovery can be a double-edged sword, as it can also lead back to using. This caller shares their experience of the slippery slope between reconnecting with loved ones and relapsing in recovery.

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Episode 26 | Codependent Crystal

Episode 26 | Codependent Crystal

Co-dependency is known as a “relationship addiction,” where people often form or maintain relationships that are one-sided, emotionally destructive and/or abusive. This caller’s story explains how addicts are especially susceptible to these types of relationships.

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Episode 25 | Raver Danger

Episode 25 | Raver Danger

So called ‘club drugs’ often seem like a staple or even a requirement for many ravers. This caller explains how club drugs led her from dancing to darkness

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Episode 22 | College Incarceration

Episode 22 | College Incarceration

Web-based sex is not only addictive, it’s often free—in a financial sense. However, this caller explains how an inability to unplug can profoundly cost real-life relationships.

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Episode 20 | Manipulation Fixation

Episode 20 | Manipulation Fixation

Dealing with an addict’s behaviour frequently means enduring their manipulative ways. This type of abuse does not happen because the addict is inherently a bad person, but instead, it’s often because they don’t live in reality and they may perceive threats that do not exist.

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Episode 19 | Obsession Session

Episode 19 | Obsession Session

People who frequently obsess often develop addictions. These addictions are used as a coping mechanism for their obsessions. This caller’s obsessions led to his indiscretions.

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18. Born into Binging

18. Born into Binging

Despite all of the tragic losses that result from substance abuse, the most saddening by-product of substance abuse is the neglect, abuse and maltreatment of the children whose parents are addicts. Furthermore, addiction is not a spectator sport. Eventually, the whole family will get to play.

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