A podcast aimed at proving the power of connection






17. Russian Roulette

17. Russian Roulette

Today’s opioid epidemic now means that every user now plays Russian Roulette with their life. However this caller played the game in more ways than one.

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Episode 15 | Free Candy

Episode 15 | Free Candy

Enablers are often thought of as the mothers, fathers, grandparents, siblings or friends of an addict. These people sometimes allow for the addict to persist in self-destructive behaviour by protecting them from the consequences of their addiction or by making excuses for the addict. Although, this caller’s enablers have little interest in protecting their “friend”.

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Episode 14 | Bargain Binger

Episode 14 | Bargain Binger

Addicts often prioritize short-term gratification over long-term consequences. That’s what makes it so easy to succumb to addiction. It’s even easier when your dealer accepts credit card.

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Episode 13 | Sex, Drugs & Rock ‘n’ Soul

Episode 13 | Sex, Drugs & Rock ‘n’ Soul

All animals eventually shed their skin. That includes us humans. We do not only shed our hair and skin cells, but we also shed an old version of ourselves. This episode’s caller explains how painful, yet satisfying that process can be.

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Episode 12 | Relapse Rotation

Episode 12 | Relapse Rotation

Like many chronic diseases, addiction does not just spring up one day. The process of developing an addiction takes place in series of stages and, like other chronic illnesses, often turns into a cycle of addiction, treatment and relapse.

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Episode 11 | Rogue Brain

Episode 11 | Rogue Brain

Over-thinking is a common trait amongst addicts. It can be a sign of self-absorbed behaviour that is rooted in a lack of confidence or low self-esteem. His overthinking led to his excessive drinking.

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Episode 10 | We Help People, But Not Me

Episode 10 | We Help People, But Not Me

Addiction is often viewed as a defect of character. Society assumes that addicts possess a lack of will power or have poor judgment. It is true that addiction is a defect, however, it is not a defect of character, but a defect of the mind. This caller’s story exemplifies how society’s view of addiction can prevent someone form seeking antiquate treatment.

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Episode 9 | Stimulant Equivalent

Episode 9 | Stimulant Equivalent

Stimulants will help anyone focus better. A lot of people value that feeling, especially if they suffer from attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. But Is it possible to over-value that feeling?

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